About PEPE

Game Changing Natural Physiotherapy Device to Protect Lungs and Support Immune System

The PEPE is an Australian designed and manufactured invention - a hand held, pocket-sized lung physiotherapy device that clears the airways, helps strengthen and protect lungs, and supports the respiratory system. Building immunity and assisting in protection against colds and serious flus and viruses, it also provides relief for sufferers of conditions such as asthma and COPD.

The Invention of PEPE

The PEPE is the creation of Peter Crawford, a youthful and charismatic 70-year-old Indigenous inventor from the Gold Coast. Brought up near Cessnock in the Hunter Valley, his grandmother was an Italian immigrant interested in deep breathing and all things natural, while his grandfather was an Indigenous witch doctor for the district, known as a Kurdaitcha. Peter acknowledges this extraordinary influence on his invention was impactful.

“The PEPE is a natural, drug free device that ensures correct diaphragmatic breathing which in turn helps build a stronger immunity and allows for the elimination of mucous, bacteria and other contaminants from the lungs.

Lung and immunity strength is vitally important in preventing illnesses and aids in the treatment of various serious diseases. The Pepe forces you to fully breathe and in turn this expands lung capacity and volume and enhances your immune system.”

Peter Crawford (Inventor of PEPE)

Benefits Of PEPE

Using the PEPE for 10 minutes a day will give users a far better chance of not getting sick, with faster recovery times. It’s really simple to use and requires no batteries, drugs or electricity. Peter believes that disease prevention and illness recovery is only as good as respiratory health and how well a person’s immune system is operating.

Peter has been using his own prototype of the PEPE for over 25 years and says: “I’m very rarely sick, I have so much energy and stamina and everyone thinks I’m in my mid 50s rather than my real age of 70… I even still play rugby and touch footy most weeks. Hooray for the PEPE”.

The theory behind the invention of the PEPE is backed by many international medical papers written over the past 35 years and confirm the effectiveness of PEPE, positive expiratory pressure, as therapy for breathing, lung and respiratory disorders.

The PEPE is now Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) registered as a class one medical device and is stocked in many Australian hospitals in lung physiotherapy and respiratory departments as well as used in the wider community. 
